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![]() More Information
The following writing has been mostly taken from the Busta $ Sceen Please give this page about half a minute to load it is quite heavy with material (mostly video)
Understanding Subliminals
Eldon Taylor is just one of the many pioneers of this technology,
a lot of what he developed came from previous sources, these technologies were almost certainly being tested before the first TV program ever aired and are deployed
by the majority of corporate vendors. It is true this tech can be used to heal people, but what happens if it is used to do things less ethical? and to what extent has it been deployed
in the entertainment industry along with other industries? As discussed earlier 50 years ago people would not be seen making a fool of themselves on TV now people que up to do so, we are told
this is a change in time, well I am posing the question what has changed the time!?
The absolute saddest thing about this technology is not just the control of people but the way in which it can be used to erase memory... don't believe me? doesn't every hypnotist on TV tell the participant
'When I click my fingers you will wake up, you will not remember anything' how many of those participants remember?
We must understand human beings are the same under the skin, our brain is apart of a machine that records information throughout our lifetimes, the brain stores information to be retrieved in sequence,
technologies developed from and before these studies have been used to disrupt that sequence, we can be made to remember from a set point in a presentation and forget everything before that.
What use is that? I hear you ask.... ...It means we can have information injected into our belief systems without any logical interference. Our brain will lie to us until we are blue in the face about
why we did something or why we think something and it can not accept any other reasoning unless we see the process of hypnosis taking place, for us humans seeing really is believing.
How does this effect me? Why do I care? The powers at be have the majority of the worlds population worshipping false idols, we have all been told that they are God, that they are able to do things we are not,
our women have been told to love these people, our men have been told to act like these people and visa versa... who is doing it.. well who do you hear are like gods? who do people 'Love' who are we told to give
tribute to through peer pressure? yes the 'owners' of these people, the studios top producers ect. The picture below has not been edited, it is a photo of a children's Christmas calendar first produced 2011 this one was
bought in 2012, new versions were also released that year, the tip of the iceberg can be seen between santa's eyes, there is much more symbology packed into this one frame than is worth talking about here.
![]() Progressive awareness
The following is an extract from the Progressive Awareness Site
His right hand pointed to a picture related to one that had been flashed in his right visual field (to the left hemisphere), and his left hand pointed to a picture related to one that had been flashed in his left visual field (to the right hemisphere). Consider how the subject interpreted these double responses:
"When a snow scene was presented to the right hemisphere and a chicken claw was presented to the left, he quickly and dutifully responded correctly by choosing a picture of a chicken from a series of four cards with his right hand and a picture of a shovel from a series of four cards with his left hand. The subject was then asked, "What did you see?" "I saw a claw and I picked the chicken, and you have to clean out the chicken shed with a shovel."
In trial after trial, we saw this kind of response.
The left hemisphere could easily and accurately identify why it had picked the answer, and then subsequently, and without batting an eye, it would incorporate the right hemisphere's response into the framework. While we knew exactly why the right hemisphere had made its choice, the left hemisphere could merely guess. Yet, the left did not offer its suggestion in a guessing vein but rather a statement of fact as to why that card had been picked." (Springer and Deutsch, 1981).
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